Idea list

ID Idea Description Sponsor Status Source Notes
FB00001 Rectangular Building Blocks in Softplay Tricia Review Ideas from Anywhere, 4/17/24 PD team evaluating viability of this idea as an add on to our current block assortment. New block idea will be evaluated in Q3 of 2024.
FB00002 Use Yubikeys from Yubico. By using Yubikeys, we will greatly secure all company devices and protect them from phishing attempts. It will also allow us to use super complicated passwords while being able to sign in within seconds. Dan Exploring Ideas from Anywhere, 5/14/24 IT is educating themselves on what it might take to implement Yubikiys to enhance Children’s Factory Security.
FB00003 Accessible Company Wide Org Charts Heather Employee Feedback Form In Progress Finalizing Review of the Org Chart for accuracy, link to be sent out via Connecteams
FB00004 Increased visibility to employee feedback and ideas (GEMBA, Ideas from Anywhere, Employee Feedback, etc.) and single source for progress on those items. Heather, Dan Completed Employee Survey Website page created, updated, and being maintained.
FB00005 Review and Update Service Award Program Heather, Ross In Progress Employee Feedback Form Amount set, finalizing communication and payout schedule.
FB00006 Implement Open Position Policy: Communicate how open positions will be communicated to current employees and which positions will receive internal preference. Heather In Progress Employee Survey Created template for announcing roles as they are posted through the Connecteam app with a direct link to apply. Formal procedure written, communication roll out going through final stages.
FB00007 Visual Company Wide Org Charts at each location Heather In Progress Employee Feedback Form Boards purchased, picture templates created and printed for all active employees. Boards being assembled currently, scheduling installation.
FB00008 Cross Training Matrix and Incentives Heather Approved Employee Survey
FB00009 Anti fatigue mats for standing/shipping stations Geoff Approved Employee Feedback Form
FB00010 It would be great if we had an ice maker at McKinley. Probably cheaper than the ice deliveries. Don Being Evaluated Employee Feedback Form From Don: for the ice maker, we will have to see what we are going to do with the breakroom changes. I can look up a countertop model or we can get one like we have at WP. I will work with Heather to get this moving forward.
FB00011 Identify ways to reduce communication notifications of Connecteams. Heather Complete Gemba, May 16, 2024 Consolidated the New Hire Announcement Notifications. Announcements still get published, but they are available when folks check ConnectTeams.
FB00012 Woodline: Need a better way to get boxes-sometimes they are waiting a long time for the boxes to put together. Leadership Team Being Evaluated Gemba, 5/16/24
FB00013 Woodline: Changing covers on the tables can be difficult due to the staples-can we do bungees or elastic instead? Leadership Team Being Evaluated Gemba, 5/16/24
FB00014 If everyone uses the microwaves at the same time in the breakroom, it blows the breaker. Don In Process Gemba, 5/16/24 From Don: I will see about getting another circuit in the breakroom. I will see if there is one existing or do we need to get a new circuit out a panel will look into this by 5/31.
FB00015 There has been a recent downgrade in the quality of the toilet paper being used in the restroom. Don In Process Gemba, 5/16/24 From Don: I will order another brand of toilet paper the next time I order it. I order this once a month and I have already ordered for this month. I will check to see what they order at WP.
FB00016 If a location has something in it that is “On Hold” in JASCI, it gets locked up and things can’t taken in or out of it. Dan Being Evaluated Gemba, 5/16/24 Next Step is to confirm the behavior with JASCI and make sure that is the desired behavior
FB00017 Except for a few exceptions I believe double sided printing should be mandatory. Dan Complete Ideas from anywhere, 5/30/24 Next Step is to see if the defaults for each printer can be set to double sided printing.
FB00018 I think it would be a good idea to have quarterly order forms for the employees to purchase CF shirts, hats, etc. Heather Being Evaluated Employee Feedback Form, 5/16/24 Next Step is to create the form and make it readily available.
FB00019 I think it would be in our best interest to move woodline assembly to West Park for space so more Sku’s can move back to McKinley with out having space issues in the future. David Curry Being Evaluated Employee Feedback Form, 6/20/24 This is one of the options for improving woodline next year that we are considering. Preparing a spot at West Park to be ready for the woodline would be costly and an offseason project. If we do it we would have to put it in our capex budget for next year and make the move in early 2025. We are still making the decision based on how we do this year and the growth potential of our woodline.
FB00020 The rolls of polyurethane we buy, as a company, are lower quality than expected. With splices, holes and marks. With a concern for shrink, are we communicating quality concerns with the vendors and/or researching new vendors? Donnie Complete Employee Feedback Form, 6/20/24 Children’s Factory has heard back from our supplier, and they have implemented a corrective action to not send slices. It will take a while for us to see this change since we have inventory already produced at our McKinley facility, along with inventory produced in their facility in China. We will make every effort to notify folks when they can expect to see the better quality start flowing into the cutting department.
FB00021 Morning Breakfast Carts Occasionally Heather In Progress Employee Feedback Form, 6/20/24 Next Step: Idea was presented to the IMPACT committee on 6/18. We are looking into ways to incorporate this into the snack cart rotation.
FB00022 Whomever submits a valid idea should get a spin on a prize wheel to help increase participation for employee ideas and suggestions. TBD In Progress Employee Feedback Form, 6/20/24 Next Step is to find a leadership champion for this idea.