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Waiting Is Hard for Toddlers

We all agree that most children do not like to wait in long lines at the amusement park or wait their turn to go down the slide at the park. And as parents, it can be a difficult concept to teach patience to our kids when we tend to More…

Science Table is a STEM Alternative with no Technology Needed

Time-Out for Technology? STEM

Time-Out for Technology?  It’s 2019, and while most preschoolers don’t even know how to tie their shoes, we can almost guarantee that they know how to use the latest and greatest electronic devices. And, we don’t need statistics to tell us we are over-attached to our technology. It’s everywhere! More…


It’s Time to….STEM!

It’s an essential part of what we do every day! Science is all around us, technology is quickly expanding into every aspect of our daily lives, engineering is the basic foundation for roads, bridges, and taking on environmental concerns, and mathematics is used in every job and in nearly every activity. When early childhood students are exposed to STEM, it gives them More…

fun sensory activities

Fun Sensory Activities

Fine Motor Tweezer Fun Author Busy Little Izzy During this activity you want to place the items slightly visible and out of the Kidfetti™ so the child can easily reach for the item with the tweezers. Be sure positional words such as on, under, in & out. We worked with pretend cookies and different colored letters. As More…
