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Use 5 Senses with Sensory Tables

Maximize Results by Using All 5 Senses During Play Activities

Every child can benefit from sensory play activities. It stimulates the brain and builds neural pathways that improve sensory processing systems. Many sensory activities are also used to encourage social play and pretend play. Engaging 2-3 of your child’s senses during any one activity is usually considered a job More…


Flexible Seating For Classrooms

Classroom Placemaking With Flexible Seating

Wikipedia: “Placemaking is a multi-faceted approach to the planning, design, and management of public spaces. Placemaking capitalizes on a local community’s assets, inspiration, and potential, with the intention of creating public spaces that promote people’s health, happiness, and well-being.” When city planners started using placemaking to create social and fun communities, it wasn’t surprising More…


20 Budget -Friendly Holiday Crafts - featured image

20 Budget-Friendly Holiday Crafts

‘Tis the season to ponder New Year’s Resolutions for 2021. 2020 might be remembered as the year of the face mask, but could it also be remembered as the year we gained 20/20 vision? Hindsight, as they say, is 20/20. It seems apropos 2020 would be known as the More…


develop spatial awareness

5 Ways to Use Movement to Develop Spatial Awareness

The world places a lot of emphasis on helping our children develop self-confidence. Nothing seems to be as effective as active playtime when it comes to building our sense of self. As youngsters play, they give their growing muscles a workout. They become more coordinated and their balance improves, More…


5 Ways to Make Learning Fun with Indoor Playgrounds

5 Strategies to Make Learning Fun

Toddlers love to learn. That being said, youngsters will choose playtime over learning any day of the week. Knowing this to be true, tech companies have incorporated the principles that make playing games fun into their learning programs. It’s called gamification. Pew Research Center describes gamification in the following More…


ANG9002-All in one reading nook

A Reading Nook for All Seasons

Autumn is upon us. Yet, “Christmas stuff” will likely start showing up in retail stores any day. It’s the big holiday’s way of squeezing out the smaller holidays by showing up earlier and earlier each year. With folks longing for 2020’s COVID nightmare to fade away, it’s tempting to More…


CF332-392-multi-activity pentagon set

5 Classroom Designs With Gravitational Pull

Adults and kids are similar in many ways. We naturally gravitate towards new products. If it’s novel, different, strange, or surprising in some way, then we are all in. Yet, our practical side screams, “Stay focused! You are busy. You need to save money. It’s not in the budget.” More…


DIY Design Part 3: Shop for Accessories To Complete the Look

If you have been following the DIY Design series, in Part 1, you chose a fun carpet to set the tone and color palette for your space. In Part 2, you thoroughly investigated all the amazing options available to you. This research helped you further define your room’s theme More…


Classroom Furnishings 2020- DIY Design Part 2

DIY Design Part 2: Room Theme & Floor Plan

DIY Design Part 1 covered how to use a “fun & functional” educational rug as a cornerstone for designing a magical and memorable space. The blog elaborated on how a carpet can be used as a teaching aid. Part of your decision process likely involved how you wanted to More…
