Learn Through The Summer – Even On Vacation!
When the summer starts to sizzle, make sure your brain doesn’t fizzle…

Taking many kids on a field trip is easy with out Bye Bye Buggies. Available in 4 or 6 passenger options with either gray canopies and seats or red-white striped canopies and seats.
As adults, many of us fondly recall what summer represented to us. Summer signified sunshine, long days at the pool, ice cream, family vacations and most importantly giving our brain a break from school. But our nostalgic view of summer has undergone a transformation. Studies show that long summer breaks can result in learning loss.
Summer is now a great opportunity to remind children that learning is fun! It is also a great time to explore and try out new things that would normally not be a part of regular school year curriculum.
Temptations can be great for children to spend hours and hours watching television or playing video games. But with a little planning, you can transform your child’s summer into a time of ‘stretching the mind’ by exploring new hobbies and skills. And the best part is, this can happen anywhere. It can take place by taking a trip to a far-off place or spending the summer right in your own backyard.
Traveling far, even out of the country can be the ultimate educational tool because kids soak up all the cultural details like a sponge. Watching your child accept children from other cultures and backgrounds without prejudice is something every parent can learn from as well.
If you don’t plan on going out of the country or even out of your state for vacation this year, ask your child to perhaps help plan a day trip. Have them create a detailed map with multiple stops. If the child is a little older, give them a budget and have them research hours, cost and activities at the planned destinations. This will help sharpen their thinking skills, money skills, and math skills.

SureStop Strollers feature seats that recline up to 45 degrees for comfort. Available in 4-6 passenger options.
If a ‘staycation’ is on your agenda this summer, and you want to plan activities around the home, there are multitudes of websites with fun educational activities at your fingertips that can also keep the creative juices flowing. Local camps and library summer reading challenges also provide a way for children to learn and explore their passions in a fun environment.
Children’s Factory, an industry leader in high-quality early childhood products also provides a unique way for children to learn and keep active throughout the summer. On steamy hot days, our products provide a safe and fun indoor environment that encourages children to imagine and explore!